But for now, let's take a look at my CR List (aka Currently Reading, for those who aren't as acronym-savvy as I pretend to be - and if you didn't know that "aka" means "Also Known As," then go BRB and read an internet dictionary, mmk? JK. LOL.) (I'm done being acronym-savvy/obnoxious. Promise.) (For now.) I'm almost always in the middle of at least five books - it's a little disgusting, but that's just how I roll! So here's an update of what I'm actively reading, and what I'm thinking about what I'm reading.
On My Kindle:
Destined, by Jessie Harrell
Currently reading this for the Goodreads book club I'm in, YA Today Book Club. I'm 65% of the way through it, and I can't decide whether I like it or not. It has good patches, then rough patches, then good patches again. But at least I don't feel like I got ripped off - it was only $0.99 on the Kindle store. I'm willing to spend a buck on a book!
My Lucky Life In and Out of Show Business: A Memoir, by Dick Van Dyke
How can you not love Dick Van Dyke? This memoir is a slow-moving one, and it's not what I'd call juicy gossip, but it's full of charm and good show-business stories. It makes me want to go back and watch the Dick Van Dyke show! Almost done: 85% complete.
From the Library:
Click: The Magic of Instant Connections, by Ori Brafman and Ron Brafman
Every once in a while, I love an interesting psychology-for-everybody books. Especially since there have been people in my life that I've just clicked with. Just started it last night as a bit of variety from the gigantic pile of YA novels that I've been reading lately.
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