Monday, December 26, 2011

Currently Reading: December 26, 2011

I know a lot of other book bloggers do weekly In My Mailbox memes, where they show off all the fancy new books they got that week, in the mail or otherwise. I, being a brand-new book blogger, don't get fancy books in the mail. I get them from the library! Or on my Kindle. Or occasionally in the mail, I guess - I'm pretty sure I won a snazzy new book from a book giveaway which is coming soon! So I'll blog that when I get it.

But for now, let's take a look at my CR List (aka Currently Reading, for those who aren't as acronym-savvy as I pretend to be - and if you didn't know that "aka" means "Also Known As," then go BRB and read an internet dictionary, mmk? JK. LOL.) (I'm done being acronym-savvy/obnoxious. Promise.) (For now.) I'm almost always in the middle of at least five books - it's a little disgusting, but that's just how I roll! So here's an update of what I'm actively reading, and what I'm thinking about what I'm reading.

On My Kindle:

Destined, by Jessie Harrell
Currently reading this for the Goodreads book club I'm in, YA Today Book Club. I'm 65% of the way through it, and I can't decide whether I like it or not. It has good patches, then rough patches, then good patches again. But at least I don't feel like I got ripped off - it was only $0.99 on the Kindle store. I'm willing to spend a buck on a book!

My Lucky Life In and Out of Show Business: A Memoir, by Dick Van Dyke
How can you not love Dick Van Dyke? This memoir is a slow-moving one, and it's not what I'd call juicy gossip, but it's full of charm and good show-business stories. It makes me want to go back and watch the Dick Van Dyke show! Almost done: 85% complete.

From the Library:

Click: The Magic of Instant Connections, by Ori Brafman and Ron Brafman
Every once in a while, I love an interesting psychology-for-everybody books. Especially since there have been people in my life that I've just clicked with. Just started it last night as a bit of variety from the gigantic pile of YA novels that I've been reading lately.

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